Doxon reveals in his artistic exploration an understanding of the harmonization of colors, transcended by the use of resin.

Doxon reveals in his artistic exploration a sensitive understanding of the art of color harmonization, transcended by the use of resin

Each Doxon work is a captivating chromatic odyssey where colors blend and move in astonishing visual harmony.

Doxon's ingenuity lies in its ability to harness epoxy resin to create captivating transparency. The delicate layers of resin provide three-dimensional depth to compositions, allowing hues to merge organically. Subtle gradients and plays of light lend emotional depth to each work, inviting the viewer into thoughtful contemplation.

The tactile dimension is a notable feature of Doxon's approach. The reliefs created add a palpable texture to each canvas, thus intensifying the sensory experience. This exploration of chromaticism goes beyond visual aesthetics, inviting the viewer to feel the nuances of color through touch.

Doxon's chromatic palette is a true tour de force. From choosing bright hues to more subtle shades, each color appears carefully selected to create the perfect visual balance. The artist plays with contrasts, creating compositions that evoke deep and varied emotions.

Doxon not only creates visual works of art, but he composes a symphony of colors that resonates beyond the canvas.

Each painting is a visual conversation that transcends words, expressing a deep understanding of the emotional power of color. In Doxon's work, resin becomes the medium through which colorful harmony finds its ultimate expression, making each canvas a dazzling and memorable artistic experience.